Title Deeds in Thailand

Title Deeds in Thailand is explained. If you are going to buy property in Thailand, then you will need to know what type of title deed the property has been registered under. You will find these issues mainly if you are looking at buying a house compared to buying a condo in Thailand. The following 5 title deed types are […]

Samui Building Zones

See the Samui building zones. You can read about the building zones in Phuket elsewhere on this website. If you are not going to lease land and wish to own the land, then you need to understand what the limits are when building in Thailand. Phuket has its own building regulations as well as Samui. Always have a due diligence […]

Buying a Business in Thailand

Buying a Business in Thailand? Many over the years have either started a business in Thailand or have bought a business in Thailand. There has been a large cross section of business types in Thailand as many foreigners look at Thailand and want to buy a bar in Pattaya which was very common a few years ago. Many of these […]